Teacher's Guide
Welcome to the educational website artsites.dk. A site for everyone interested in art as a starting point for wider discussions. The site focuses on selected works of art and their relation to place. Not just a physical place, but also in the sense of context. Within contemporary art theory the meaning of a work of art is discussed as happening in an interaction between art, context and viewer; a development resisting the idea that the meaning of an artwork is fixed and embedded in the work itself.
The main art historical fields that have formed the basis for artsites.dk is site specificity, museology, sculpture in an expanded field, art in public spaces and contemporary art using new media. In addition, other themes are the significance of place, national identity, how we relate to the community, and how as humans we create coherence in the world based on the knowledge we have.
The site has a simple structure. All pages are easily accessed from the front page and any other page through the menu bar at the top. In total, the site contains 6 pages with cases. Each case is based on an example giving opportunity to discuss a specific angle of art in relation to context. The starting point is art from Louisiana's collection, but all cases also discuss works from other museums or public spaces.
Cases contain a brief introduction of works and points, a film about the work, facts about work and artist, links and tasks.
In addition to the cases, there are 3 themes. Theme pages contain a longer text, links and tasks (and in one case, an interview film). Theme pages provide an overview and information giving further perspective to the cases. The texts discuss general issues that are relevant to all or several of the works on the site. The text discusses the museum's role in history until now, Louisiana as a historical phenomenon and modern art museum, respectively. Furthermore, there is an article that discusses public space as a concept and art in public spaces.
Use of the site
It is possible to use the site on several levels. Case pages and films introduce works and angles. Fact Boxes and links give further information if and when the teacher or student needs more inspiration or information.
Theme pages are a great inspiration and preparation for the teacher, but can of course also be read by students.
The assignments are aimed at students directly, but can also be a source of inspiration for teachers who want to work on a specific theme.
The assignments are divided into four categories:
A: A short preliminary exercise
B: An exercise that can be solved in the context of a museum visit
C: An assignment that can be solved by students themselves between two classes
D: A proposal for a major practical assignment. The task sets the stage for interdisciplinary collaboration with subjects such as Danish(/other languages), media studies, drama, language subjects and social studies.
Use the texts and tasks directly in teaching or as presenters, inspiration or background. The intention is that the material should not only be relevant to use in art classes but also in other subjects, eg Danish(/other languages), interdisciplinary courses and in the students’ independent projects.
In many D tasks it will be mentioned how other subjects may be included. One can, however, also in longer, interdisciplinary courses involve the material. In a scenario with the overall topic of national identity it would provide an interesting perspective to involve art in the form of works by Superflex (See When art spreads), Elmgreen & Dragset (See When art mixes places) and the themes Museum as place and Public space as a place.
An overarching theme of museology may involve Museum as place, Louisiana as place, When art mixes places (Elmgreen & Dragset) and When art is icon for a place (Henry Moore).
If you wish to discuss eg power symbols or politics in the public sphere, Public space as place, When art gets in the way (Richard Serra) and When art spreads (Superflex) can be good approaches.
Magasinet Billedkunstneren med temaet Kunst i dialog. Bl.a. artikler om projektet Vores Kunst, Det' vores kunst og kunst i offentlige rum.
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Elisabeth Bodin, Johanna Lassenius, Udstillinger - mellem fokus og flimmer, Multivers, 2006
Rosalind E. Krauss, ”Sculpture in the Expanded Field" in October, Vol. 8, Spring 1979
Miwon Kwon, One Place After Another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity, MIT, 2004
Anne-Marie Mai, Dan Ringgaard (red.), Sted, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2010
Ane Hejlskov Larsen, Sally Thorhauge, Museumsgrundbogen: Kunsten at læse et museum, Systime, 2008
Sabine Nielsen, Christine Buhl Andersen (red.), Art Incorporated, Kunstmuseet Køge Skitsesamling, 2008
Brian O'Doherty, Inside the White Cube. The Ideology of the Gallery Space, University of California Press, 1976
Passepartout nr. 17: Præsentation (about museology), 9. årgang, 2001
Passepartout nr. 18: Reception (about museology), 9. årgang, 2001
Passepartout nr. 32: Monumentskulpturobjektinstallation (about 3-dimensional art), 17. årgang, 2011
Dan Ringgaard, Stedssans, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2010